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ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


Jaws drop when CMDR realizes stars are actually suns! The galactic paradigm shift has offered a dramatic twist! Deep Faction Agents hide the truth. Are you prepared to expose their lies with Axton Janel Rodney?

Reports from Cubeo III reveal an unexpected fashion trend sweeping the planet. In an attempt to promote unity, citizens have started wearing holographic outfits that change color based on their emotional state. The trend has led to some amusing situations, with individuals unintentionally broadcasting their feelings to everyone around them. Rumor has it that the Prismatic Imperium is considering adopting this technology for diplomatic meetings, turning negotiations into a vibrant display of emotions. Is Cubeo III onto something revolutionary, or are they just creating a galaxy-wide fad?

Join us tonight for a double feature where Axton Janel Rodney covers several haunting topics and more. You can count on Vector to present the angle.

ThumbnailDM Maintenance

Diamond Market Messaging System

Research Contract - Mandate Test

This message will be deleted once testing is complete. Please ignore.

A team of scientists successfully compelled a political leader dependent on the Bank of Bhilinool to mandate a lockdown in their area of influence, straining the economy and social well-being of their citizens. This document constitutes their report.

<:GalaxyPlot:1230307098324107355> Kutkha
Active Insurrection - ✸✸✸

Media Statement:
"Beloved citizens, in times of uncertainty, let us showcase the heart of the Emperor. Offer support to your fellow citizens, show empathy to those in need, and strive for excellence in all that you do."

<:Donate:1234555944608727110> 340,121m in Relief Credit [Estimate]
<:SecurityCamera:757313445921161397> 71 Indictments for Conspiracy
[Detailed Research Report]

ThumbnailMarina Yao

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Nightly Transit

Today we are talking about the vehicles operated by the Branch of Sight! The research branch of the Prismatic Imperium operates two vehicles that sparked my interest. Those vehicles are none other than the GalNet Victory 2982 and the Hydronis VX Discovery 2995. But which should the budding young researcher choose? If we are going off name alone, then I think the former is the obvious choice! It just has a special ring to it don’t you think? If you’re more interested in functionality, the choice becomes harder. The GalNet Victory can travel nearly twice as fast as the Hydronis Discovery, but the Discovery certainly wins out on available scientific equipment. If you’re going on a long scientific expedition, I think the Discovery will probably serve you best. If you’re going on a shorter trip, or plan on chasing wildlife, you should probably go with the Victory!

ThumbnailAlicia Mellor

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Daily Chat

Rumors are circulating about a sixth planet in the Cubeo System. There is no official evidence of such a stellar body existing. Greater yet, the rumors go on to claim that the elusive planet is an earth-like world complete with continents, oceans, and an abundance of life. Even though such a place does not exist as our guests from Emerald Observatory will tell us, it is a fantastical place that has become popular in our entertainment. The elusive world troupe has grasped our hearts and our culture.

ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


Faction demands censoring all faces using eye implants. Deep Faction Agents hide the truth. Are you prepared to expose their lies with Axton Janel Rodney?

CMDRs loyal to the Prismatic Imperium visiting Medupe City were heard discussing a mystery. Walking around outside and beyond the scope of the pilot seat of their ship is an activity defined as Space Legs. After taking hundreds of samples we have discovered that all CMDRs are actually confined to their seats permanently. They utilize an Achilles Android clothed in a HoloMe virtually augmented reality skin as a puppet which they occupy using telepresence. This technology has the disorienting effect of teleporting CMDRs from their flight seat to the exterior of their ship with a simple fade to black triggered automatically whenever the CMDR attempts to stand up. The benefits are plentiful, such as the ability to survive getting terminated, but there are horrific impacts to consider as well.

Join Axton Janel Rodney for a full exclusive episode into the dark horrors that lurk beyond our existence. Vector has you covered.

ThumbnailAlicia Mellor

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Daily Chat

Another CMDR has visited the Emerald Observatory and pledged to the Branch of Sight. CMDR Bright Phoenix serves the Prismatic Imperium, so our sources claim. While little is known about his real identity or where he came from, we like his dedication to the People’s Princess Aisling Duval. He even died his hair blue! Join us tonight as we discuss fashion and hair that helps the galaxy free slaves and eliminate narcotics by the systems, one bright blue head of hair at a time.

ThumbnailSight Journalism Department


Over 1% of our expedition staff goes missing every year. With 2% of them being space bound explorers it is obvious that exploration is dangerous. Whenever you plan to go out on a private expedition or get assigned to a mission, you should take extra precautions. The rescuer teams who are sent after the missing crews often find absolutely nothing, as if the person never existed. We often never find out what happened to them. There are many factors that we have evaluated to be possible causes for their sudden vanishing. Dropping into stars, falling into black holes, and crashing into planets are among the likely scenarios, but we can’t know for certain. Since the return of the Thargoids, however, we find it plausible that pilots who have traveled in the direction of Barnard's Loop and further, have been killed or abducted by the alien threat.

ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


Unwelcome visitors infest our homes in the form of cyberspace mites! Tonight at 10 you can experience the jaw dropping reality of our temporary existences. We know the velocity. We know the angle. We know the time and place. We know the Vector.

Proudly provided by The People's Media for after-hours entertainment.

ThumbnailGloria Howell


Did you know that the Ruby Citadel is an entire complex of buildings that is not just a workplace? Really, not only do the local members of the Branch of Vigor that are stationed there work there but they also live there. Many have families with them and children that play in the local park and attend a local school. CMDR Mystler once said: "The Branch of Vigor thrives not only from its admirable roster of employees but also everything that gives these employees their strength and something worth fighting for: Their families. And for our Vigorlings: whether they will follow in the Branch's footsteps later on or not, we shall not underestimate their importance to their families right now."



Today is CMDR Allan Quatermain's birthday. He is now 40 years old! Happy Birthday! :tada:

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