Mumore Residential

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Mumore Residential
Mumore Residential

Mumore Residential is a district of Capital City. It is is a high density residential district with large state apartments, parks, plazas, and two rivers dividing it from neighboring districts to the east and west. The entire district has private security. Most of the traffic system is subsurface with the exception of several bridges over the deep rivers. This area is very attractive to the wealthy and is the closest you can get to having a private estate in a dense urban setting. Parks and monuments draw heavy tourism to the area.

District Locales

District News and Development Timeline

Date Events and News
A recent group of investors have devised infrastructure improvements for the Mumore Residential district. New walkways for above ground pedestrians, as well as upgraded roads below ground. A new transit system is being planned as well. District council members hope to see these plans come to fruition in the coming months.
The new transit system in the Mumore residential district is finally complete. The large underground system connects multiple residential areas with each other as well as linking the district with Rowell and Cront! This will hopefully alleviate road traffic and allow a better flow of citizens to areas they need to go. Which in turn should improve the flow of commerce as people will have better and more efficient access to stores and restaurants.
Mumore is receiving a substantial face lift as the investment market picks up this week. The district’s private security will be receiving upgrades to their primary offices as well as entrance gates between the two rivers. Residents have expressed concern with the state of the security gates as of late, and their requests have been put into action. A reporter spoke with one resident who had several complaints with one of the security guards, “I’ve stopped taking my car because this one guard would always flirt with me… it is unacceptable. Instead I’ve had to take the new transit system, and I will say I am pleasantly surprised with its cleanliness and efficiency!”