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  1. Prismatic Media News - Bringing You The Stories That Matter

    This week’s spotlight shines on Rendezvous Royale, “Whether meeting up with friends new and old, your visit is sure to be illustrious.”

    The district of Opera has seen several park improvements as of late, from newly planted foliage to pristinely pathed pathways. Your next visit to their parks is guaranteed to be a relaxing experience.

    The Ciphoit Medical district had recently suffered a terrorist attack at the hands of a suspected Federal entity. This is the first attack from a member of an opposing superpower in years. This has led to a massive boost into the district’s system infrastructure. Following this tragedy was another even more targeted incident. Favourited by many, Rendezvous Royale was completely levelled. Both terrorist incidents left hundreds dead and many more injured. Our hearts go out to the families affected and have started funds to aid them during their times of grief.

    To lighten this all up, we are pleased to announce that Ciphoit is back in full operating capacity, and Rendezvous Royale is nearing the final stages of its reconstruction. Memorials will be created in the Jukhand District honouring and remembering those who lost their lives during these two tragic events.

    This leads us to our next topic, the Bank of Bhilinool. Many of you may have seen their presence in Cubeo as of late, a vile sight if you ask any good upstanding citizen of the Prismatic Imperium. Sources have proven time and time again that they are the true root of the incidents that have befallen this beloved city, and our beloved Prismatic Imperium. Including attempts at illegally utilising building facilities. We once again remind citizens that if you see something, say something. Report any activity, suspicious or otherwise, from the Bank of Bhilinool you bear witness to. Businesses of the Federation have no place in Our Empire.

    As we gear up for the opening of the Trapeze Atol Raceway, we have been building out new lines of merchandise! From faux-racing attire to miscellaneous home accessories, we’ll have something for everyone to see, desire, and purchase.

    Structural improvements are coming to Melvane Starport. With the recent terror attacks, several of the city’s district undercities will be undergoing structural integrity improvements. Alongside this are decor enhancements that follow the Prismatic Imperium Imperial Guidelines of Visual and Architecture Decor. I can certainly say it will look quite spectacular!

    The clubs, restaurants, and other businesses in the district of Horia will be taking part in an LGBTQ pride event lasting the entirety of this month. I myself will be present and partaking in the event! Decorations matching pride themes as well as Imperial decor will be proudly on display throughout the district. I even had a hand in selecting them. This is an exciting month for all LGBTQ people!

    The Branch of Vigor’s magnificent Ruby Citadel is receiving a fresh new coat of paint! Well, not literally, but figuratively! New holo-gram displays are being designed to give guests the additional warm welcome that they most certainly deserve. Guests can expect important information such as staff availability, the weather and a “Vice Warden Pun and Joke of The Day”, how exciting!

    The Crystal Brook Golf Course has closed down for the season as they begin a reimagining of the property, from the clubhouses to the course, every square centimeter will be lovingly crafted in a new Imperial light. I myself am excited to see the results once it is completed! Later we’ll show you some design drafts that have been recently submitted to their committee!

    Raven Square has seen a recent investment boost and is reportedly going towards cleaning up the substructure boat docks after an incident involving minor boat collisions. They are expected to cease operations for this month as work begins, currently docked boats will be migrated into a temporary location on the coast of the Isroubus district.

    The Branch of Sight has opened several new classes this lengthy summer for students who have missed the past two semesters. Along with this are investments into Emerald Observatory’s mega-telescope. We’ve asked the staff they’ve mentioned new state-of-the-art lenses are being sought after!

    Stay tuned for more on Prismatic Media News!