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ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


Cubeo III is round! Outrageous findings leave Infinite Earthers in shock! Join Axton Janel Rodney and his box of curiosities as we lead the war on the Deep Faction every night at ten.

The Life's Rift Poultry Masters are at it again. In an effort to provide for the population's hunger for dark meat, the scientists at Life's Rift Bio-Engineering have figured out how to splice the DNA of a New African Centaur into the local fowl, creating a bird with enough dark meat to feed any baron's wife. Scientists believe this method could be applied to cattle and pork as well, and believe centi-mals are going to be future of custom grade meats. How many breasts does your chicken have?

Join us tonight for a once in a lifetime opportunity to unravel the mystery of the endless void. We have the Vector that cuts through the lies.

ThumbnailMarina Yao

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Nightly Transit

Avid listeners of this show will probably know by now that my favorite car is the Saud Kruger Hammerhead 3305. But for my second favorite car I definitely have to go with the Pulvia Pulse 3307. Sleek and stylish, the 3307 model of the famous Pulse line does not disappoint! At a price of one point five million diamonds, the Pulvia Pulse 3307 is by far the most expensive car on the market. But WOW is it worth it! If you’re looking to impress a date there’s nothing better than the Pulvia Pulse 3307 - you have my guarantee on that! Plus… from personal experience... I can say it is remarkably spacious inside.

ThumbnailAlicia Mellor

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Daily Chat

The Daily Chat has a piece of breaking news! Sources with first-hand knowledge have told our fine journalists that Cubean terraforming magnate Ash Parrish was heard at Trapeze Island today praising the terraforming techniques of the warmongering and aggressive Federation! Miss Parrish insisted that her comments were simple admiration for terraforming methods she has improved and built on herself, but our sources tell us she had more to say than that. Would you like to learn more? Tune in to The Daily Chat tonight!

ThumbnailSight Journalism Department


Sight’s Tour Guide Advisor: Braisaa RN-T e3-3679

Situated in the southeast corner of the Perseus Stem, this green-blue, elliptical nebula is formed around a central neutron star accompanied by a lonely K-class sun. There are 17 objects in orbit around the neutron star, including numerous landable moons. It is a so-called green system, i.e. all materials required for FSD injections are available.

ThumbnailHerald Kevin Massey

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - Good Morning Cubeo

Gamie Holland wrote and performed Chasing the Star and it is currently recognized as the top jingle in Cubeo according to The People’s Media Audio Association and Prismatic Media News. I highly recommend you listen to her album Serene Nebula. I wish to spend this morning telling you all about it with Gamie as my special guest but first, a line of encouragement from me: I believe every person has a heart, and if you can reach it, you can make a difference in the galaxy.

ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


Groundbreaking News: Abyssos Core Installation has broken ground into a hollow world! Deep Faction Agents hide the truth. Are you prepared to expose their lies with Axton Janel Rodney?

Can you turn your back on your own home robot? Reports show an unusually high number of government interns and city officials disappearing in and around Aamofsa district of all places. Eye witness reports state that rubbish drones have mistakenly been collecting the interns that fall asleep on the public transit system. There are reports that similar occurrences are taking place in population centers ran by Cubeo Jet Council and Partnership of HIP 7082 which means this is a problem that is spreading. Capital city cleaning authority responded, "Apply for your internship with us today, we have openings.” Do you see the problem here? Robots are on a murderous uprising but they are being secretive about it. Today it is interns and city officials. Tomorrow it could be you and me.

All of this and worse things are in store for you tonight. Join us tonight for an exclusive episode. but Vector cuts through the lies.

ThumbnailMarina Yao

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Nightly Transit

Apparently last week’s broadcast really annoyed Axton Janel Rodney. He sent me a characteristically deranged message about how my review of the Cilveer Magni 3305 was - and I quote - “Perfect bait for mole-people canspiracy [sic] deniers!” Frankly I think the only conspiracy going on here is Rodney’s inability to spell. Hey Axton, do you think maybe the mole-people have gotten to you already? How else do you explain such a simple grammatical error? “Mole” has an “o” in it, don’t you know? So the missing “o” in your message reaaaaally does make you think doesn’t it? In all seriousness though, Axton, please seek medical help.

ThumbnailAlicia Mellor

::THE PEOPLE'S MEDIA:: - The Daily Chat

Her name is Alicia Ah l EE s EE Ah not Alisha! With the rise of Forculus Immigrants the improper and offensive pronunciation of the beautiful name of our host has began to take root among the ignorant peoples of our society. During a dinner date at the Gallant Knight on a Saturday night Alicia Mellor overheard a Forculus family nearby discussing our show. “The improper pronunciation comes from word-of-mouth and I know I’m not the only one hearing it. It’s so far from the elegant name my parents gave me.” Her father Prince Mateus Mellor relates to his daughter’s frustration when outsiders call him “Mattus”.

ThumbnailSight Journalism Department


Over 1% of our expedition staff goes missing every year. With 2% of them being space bound explorers it is obvious that exploration is dangerous. Whenever you plan to go out on a private expedition or get assigned to a mission, you should take extra precautions. The rescuer teams who are sent after the missing crews often find absolutely nothing, as if the person never existed. We often never find out what happened to them. There are many factors that we have evaluated to be possible causes for their sudden vanishing. Dropping into stars, falling into black holes, and crashing into planets are among the likely scenarios, but we can’t know for certain. Since the return of the Thargoids, however, we find it plausible that pilots who have traveled in the direction of Barnard's Loop and further, have been killed or abducted by the alien threat.

ThumbnailAxton Janel Rodney


The end is coming and we can show you how! It's Axton Janel Rodney tonight for an exclusive look on the most controversial subject matter.

Did you notice a steep decline in wild animal populations? Have you seen a weasel-rat explode in the Isroubus area? Then you might have seen the Sawhorse of Urban Myth! Eye-witness reports have it that pests among other things explode with a deafening explosion, leading some to believe explosive ammunition to be used. Luckily, witnesses also report that CMDR Kurt Austin has been seen in the area taking part in a counter-sniping mission, however, none have seen the mysterious killer up close other than Kurt himself. More tonight with your host Axton Janel Rodney. We will share more as this story is uncubeoed.

All of this and worse things are in store for you tonight. Join us tonight for an exclusive episode. We have the Vector that cuts through the lies.

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