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Lord Knight Gene Hikaze
15,655 305,208

Sapphire Marquis
Roleplay Gear
Gear is currently unlocked

Telepresence Projector
This collapsible device connects with your quantum network, making your Holo-Suite profile portable. It features augmented reality that can synchronize with other profiles, allowing you to interact visually with friends or attend events remotely without physical presence or network delays. Additionally, it can holographically transform your immediate environment to match a neutral or live location with telepresence projectors. 

Prismatic Imperium Soldier Uniform
[+5 to Strength Defense]Utility Slots: 4
The Prismatic Imperium dons the Majestic Soldier Uniform tailored to its faction as decreed by Emperor Hengist Duval in 3240. The white uniform remains a strong symbol of the Imperial Military to this day. While not designed to withstand heavy attacks, this stylish uniform integrates smart clothing with reflective plastic armor and will carry the soldier with elegance. Generally, the uniform is worn with modern chlamys made of embroidered silk.

Suppressed Pistol
Light Kinetic WeaponAttacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]
This specialty sidearm is popular for discrete operations due to the effective sound and muzzle flash suppression system integrated into the weapon. It temporarily isolates targeted security devices from their network.

Zero-G Thrusters
[Agility Booster for Space]When strapped to clothing, this device will improve the ability to maneuver in the void. Whether you are on a quest to extract an artifact in space or involved in a low-gravity arena duel, you will need the micro thrust abilities that this provides. It is ineffective above 1g and will reduce agility when planet side due to the weight of carried fuel and awkward shape. It is safe and reliable in space.

Evex Long Barrel Laser Pistol
Medium Thermal WeaponAttacks: [Focus] [Duel]
Weight: 12 lb
Ability: Attacks may overheat targets. Critical (10) can set enemies on fire.
This outdated weapon represents a time when Imperials needed the biggest guns while flying the largest ships. Now that there are restrictions placed on the size of warships, the culture that popularized this weapon has vanished making it popular with collectors.

Prismatic Imperium Soldier Guard
[Lightweight] [HoloMap from ELS Reports]A plastic bracer is often combined with the Majestic Uniform's smart fabric which allows forearm holographic displays of 3D topical data or face-to-face communication. It is utilized by officers and tactical analysts among the Imperial Legions though occasionally a common soldier will have one too. Commanding officers of the Prismatic Imperium rely on their guard for the protection of their arms and for communication with their officers and commanders.

BD90 Warhammer
Heavy Kinetic WeaponAttacks: [Focus] [Spread] [Splash]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]
This overpowered shotgun would harm the user if it were not for the assistance of recoil-reducting micro-burst thrusters. It fires a volley of scary-sized beads turning every engagement aftermath into a pressure wash clean-up.

Prismatic Imperium Officer Sword
Melee Kinetic Weapon[+5 Dexterity Defense]
Attacks: [Slash] [Duel]
Weight: 4 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]
Every officer in the Prismatic Imperium carries a ceremonial sword for special occasions and in combat. Some officers even delight in cutting down their foes. It is a lightweight carbon steel blade coated in silver and a decorative handle depicting Cubeo's Adonis Flower. It serves as a badge of office.

Prismatic Imperium Soldier Helmet
[Lightweight Armor]The Majestic Uniform, decreed by Emperor Hengist Duval in 3240, includes a standard helmet for soldiers. It offers moderate protection and has a communication receiver for orders. The helmet has plastic eyepieces for sunlight protection but won't shield against flashbangs or smoke grenades. Palace Guards often wear blue versions.
💀 [Unsuitable for hazardous environments]

Prismatic Imperium Soldier Boots
[Improves Armor Defense]Classified as an armor modifier, this Majestic Soldier Boot tailored to its faction, as decreed by Emperor Hengist Duval in 3240, is well armored giving the user significant protection from kinetic and explosive attacks. It has an excellent record of durability, comfort, and traction on a wide range of terrain while keeping the wearer looking sharp and stylish. It maintains the agility of the wearer and when combined with any official uniform, it will improve style.

Rami-Fox Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is CMDR Jessica Ramirez who helped save the Prismatic Imperium from Syndicate Armies, even cutting the evil Malco Oxroy in two! She leaves abominations of her own making behind everywhere she goes. 

Heavy Shield Generator
Heavy Thermal and Kinetic DefenseDefense: 200
Recharge: 1 Turn Delay
This personal suit integrated shield continuously protects the user from lasers and projectiles while active. Unlike burst shields, this model does not obstruct the user in any way, does not consume cell banks, and wraps around the body contours. It can be recharged quickly using a Shield Cell Bank or increased in power by any form of shield booster. It is vulnerable to EMP attacks.

Fragmentation Grenade
Heavy Explosive WeaponAttacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]
This single use device can ensure a great deal of damage to a rather large area. It is twice as effective against unshielded targets.
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]

Environmental Layout Scanner
Activation: Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.
Installed in a utility slot, this small device will map out landscapes and structures and store the information in a memory device. It can allow the user to see building layouts during combat missions and occasionally give an explorer valuable insight to the environment. It will not detect people or animals.

Shield Cell Bank
Activation: Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.
Installed in a utility slot, this small device will quickly recharge personal shield devices and some weapon types. The device will last through a mission without maintenance if used properly. It takes some time to cool down after use or the user risks causing a meltdown.

Kill Warrant Scanner
Activation: Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.
Installed in a utility slot, this small device will scan individuals and compile bounty information as well as identify any registered citizen. It is a popular tool for bounty hunters and security personnel. It creates very little heat and will last through any mission.

Encryption Cracking Unit
Activation: Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.
Installed in a utility slot, this small device will detect encrypted communication data and decipher it before storing information in a memory device and shared with a squad. It can also help prevent hostile viruses and hack into active or recent transmissions at the cost of heat buildup.
[Use can take place at user's will or when a communication is flagged with ECU]

Vodel Wrasses SRV B-78
Class: Off-Road [Branch of Vigor]Engine: Powerplant
Fuel: Hydrogen
Speed: 40 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 1
Vodel, subsidiary of Core Dynamics created this scouting vehicle in 3285. Now obsolete by the more versatile Scarab from the same manufacturer, the Wrasses remains a well armored and capable assault car built for off-road purposes. It is equipped with 2 pulse lasers and HS Missiles.


Rami-Fox Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is CMDR Jessica Ramirez who helped save the Prismatic Imperium from Syndicate Armies, even cutting the evil Malco Oxroy in two! She leaves abominations of her own making behind everywhere she goes. 

Ultra Directional Burst Shield
Heavy Thermal DefenseDefense: 300
Recharge: No Delay
The ultimate defense for a combatant under heavy fire, this shield deploys from the arm to protect the wearer from heavy attacks. The projection has a bi-weave pattern and curves around the peripherals of the user. Using disposable cell banks to activate at will, it can be recharged quickly using a Shield Cell Bank from a SCB utility or increases in power by a shield booster. It is vulnerable to EMP attacks.
