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Herald Kevin Massey
79,172 740,066

Prismatic King
Roleplay Gear
Gear is currently unlocked

⧉ First Encounters: Charisma
+5 to CharismaIntended to help you find that unique someone, First Encounters has created a wet drive program that will assist the user with charisma. This will increase your natural skill in speech-craft and will generally make you more attractive. It is only compatible with other First Encounter programs.
[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]

⊡ Sebio Yogi 1290 Wetdrive
This top of the line implant is a Sebio created neural augmentation computer that assists the brain. It can be discreet or obvious based on the interests of the user. Depending on the program disks installed it can perform a wide range of functions. This model has two general slots and two utility slots.Program Slots: 2
Dedicated Utility Slots: 2
💀 [Do not mix manufactures in program slots or brain injury may occur.]

⛭ First Encounters: Vocabulary
After decades of enduring the dirty mouths of spoiled imperial children, First Encounters created a revolutionary solution that optimizes speech for the user with directed neural suggestion, ensuring they maintain polite speech as determined by the imperial council of polite discourse. Utility programs can be installed in a utility drive slot and does not conflict with other brands.[Requires a wet drive utility slot ⛭]

⛭ N.A.P.A. UI: Linguistics Mastery
Neural Augmentation Program Applications UI have created sophisticated wet drive software that assists the user in understanding a library of thousands of languages known throughout human space including hundreds of dead languages. This utility works subconsciously, giving the user natural understanding and ability to speak in various languages and dialects, though it is common to speak faster than the words can come to mind. The ability is only retained while the utility is installed.[Requires a wet drive utility slot ⛭]

⧉ First Encounters: Luck
+5 to LuckIntended to help you find that unique someone, First Encounters has created a wet drive program that will assist the user with getting lucky, because you will probably need it. This software will make you more confident about your odds among other things. It is only compatible with other First Encounter programs.
[Requires a wet drive slot be installed on the user]

Forculus Chronometry Wrist Clock
Fabricated by the Forculus Brothers on Irrational Exuberance in the Forculus System, this highly luxurious time piece is designed specifically for classy individuals from the Federation of Independent Pilots. They are intentionally rare to protect their value while knockoff versions are more common. Some designs are susceptible to gravitational fluctuation but this model only simulates traditional function with clockwork. The display itself is holographic. Supporters of the product may get a significant boon to relations with its maker. 

Mind Herald Uniform
[+15 to Charisma Defense]Utility Slots: 6
Bedazzling uniform worn by the Heralds in the Prismatic Imperium Branch of Mind. Serving as the Head of Media and Entertainment in the Senate, the wearer carries the responsibilities of all branch activities from propaganda distribution to city planning. The uniform provides low defense and high style. It is recognized by Cubeo Society as a symbol of unchallenged cultural control, having sway over the Prismatic Senate.

Arachnid Spawn Countermeasure
Based on the Rodent Population Regulator, this device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Dheurapidus-Emskinn-Expandere Arachne 17, better known as Spawn Spider, to a distance of 5 meters. Without this device, the user is exposed to the horrors of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade, a certain death in seconds should the creatures penetrate your armor. This device is an experimental one developed by Life's Rift and funded by Overseer Allan Quatermain. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of CMDRs in the Cubeo system. 

💾 Diamond Market Hack - Bronze
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]

💾 Diamond Market Hack - Teal
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]

Rodent Population Regulator
The Rodent Population Regulator emits high frequency sounds which will reduce the population of rapid reproducing critters including rats and exotic Trumbles. Once the number of effected creatures has reached a predetermined threshold the emitter will focus on discouraging reproduction. While still in experimental stages, the Rodent Population Regulator has shown favorable results among Trumble owners, their pets well known to explode in numbers over night. 

Stockbroker Toolkit
Ammo: Low-Yield StocksWeight: 6 lb
Ability: This kit provides the tools necessary for acting as a Stockbroker in the field. It allows you to analyze market trends, influence local markets, manage and trade assets, and perform hostile takeovers of small businesses using High-Yield Stocks when time allows.
[Effective use requires proficiency in Stockbroker skills.]

Camera Drone
No Weapons | Manual Control500m Range | 8hr Battery
This device is a compact media capture unit with a high-powered recorder, ideal for private journalists. It provides excellent aerial coverage for events and can operate for 8 hours within a 500-meter range of the user.
[⁜ Drone Operation Controller or relevant
Neurological Augmentation required]

Force Burst Wrist Guard
[Force Burst Ability]Classified as an armor modifier, this highly compact defense mechanism is ideal for close-quarters combat as it can create a pulse burst on contact, shoving attackers to the floor or at least a good distance from you, buying that time you need to escape or draw your weapon. It is non-lethal but would be considered a crime if used against an Imperial Citizen outside of combat. It can be worn in conjunction with any clothing or accessories.

Melee Kinetic Weapon[+5 Dexterity Defense]
Attacks: [Precise] [Slash]
Weight: 1.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]
Every pilot should consider keeping a knife on hand as a last resort. This weapon can cut through flight suits and some armor with ease. The Diamond Market provides one as a gift to all CMDRs with an account.

Archangel Blue Housecat
Historically known as the Russian Blue, the Irkalla Archangel Blue is a common feline in the Anahit System. They are recognized by their bright green eyes and blue-grey coat and are known for their friendliness and intelligence, though somewhat reserved. They have been known to play fetch and open doors, and are sensitive to human emotions. They are popular with pilots due to their affectionate bonds with trusted family. Genetic tampering or mixed breeding of the Archangel Blue is highly discouraged within the Empire. 

CryoMed Health Kit
This kit contains cutting edge medical technology for stabilizing critical injuries in the field. When used the injured person will be able to resume a mission so long as no further critical injuries are sustained. Each additional critically injury risks unconsciousness and the possibility of death if not aided by a squadmate.[This item is used to heal critical injuries. Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]

CryoMed Health Kit
This kit contains cutting edge medical technology for stabilizing critical injuries in the field. When used the injured person will be able to resume a mission so long as no further critical injuries are sustained. Each additional critically injury risks unconsciousness and the possibility of death if not aided by a squadmate.[This item is used to heal critical injuries. Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]

Remlok Pack
This kit can be a real lifesaver as it is the most advanced technology for prolonging life in an event of decompression. It has preserved lives of pilots blown out into space without a pressurized suit, though it is not recommended for such extremes.[This item is used during decompression when the user is wearing gear inadequate for hostile environments. Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]

Mind Fragrance Emitter
Activation Command:Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.
Installed in a utility slot, this small device emits a passive fragrance in the air that is pleasant but can also be activated to emit a heavy dose of artificial pheromones that will make others more agreeable with the user, lowering their guard, and letting the user dominate a conversation. This greatly aids espionage and journalism when used on people within the user's social bubble. It is awarded to accomplished Mind agents.

Encryption Cracking Unit
Activation: Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.
Installed in a utility slot, this small device will detect encrypted communication data and decipher it before storing information in a memory device and shared with a squad. It can also help prevent hostile viruses and hack into active or recent transmissions at the cost of heat buildup.
[Use can take place at user's will or when a communication is flagged with ECU]

Shock Grenade
Heavy Force WeaponAttacks: [Splash]
[See NOTE for abilities]
This single use device can throw opponents to the ground with a massive shockwave of force. It is used to knock targets prone or force them out of cover. It is also effective against small aerial drones as the force will crash them.
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]

Drone Neutralizer Unit
Activation: Open [NOTES] for instructions on use.
Installed in a utility slot, this small device will launch a shower of charged particles to disrupt drone communications, causing airborne drones to suffer similar effects to an EMP. It is very effective against small drones such as the sentry, camera, or spy drone. Large drones like the Mongoose and Meerkat are largely immune. The Drone Neutralizer Unit has enough ammo to last through most engagements. It creates very little heat.

Mobile Arachnid Spawn Defense
Class: UtilityEngine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 50 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
With growing threat of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade being used as a terrorist weapon, CMDRs in Cubeo funded the development of experimental countermeasures. This device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Spawn Spider to a distance of 150 meters. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of Cubeo pledged CMDRs.


Arachnid Spawn Countermeasure
Based on the Rodent Population Regulator, this device emits high frequency sounds which will repel the Dheurapidus-Emskinn-Expandere Arachne 17, better known as Spawn Spider, to a distance of 5 meters. Without this device, the user is exposed to the horrors of the Arachnid Spawn Grenade, a certain death in seconds should the creatures penetrate your armor. This device is an experimental one developed by Life's Rift and funded by Overseer Allan Quatermain. Local supply of this device is limited to the production efforts of CMDRs in the Cubeo system. 

Aveen Tartarean
Class: CommercialEngine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power
Speed: 90 m/s
[Self Driving: Yes] [Shields: 5 MJ]
Seats: 17 (25)
The Tartarean is a luxurious limousine typically piloted by a chauffeur who is separated from the passengers by a partition. They are fitted with a variety of entertainment systems. It is common for private and commercial Tartareans to be used as a transport for VIPs. As expected, the colors are programmable.


Ballistic Computer
[+10 to Percise attacks]This device interfaces with precision weapons, converting environmental data and target information into trajectory corrections the user can apply during an attack. It works for Kinetic and Thermal gear.


Combat Herg
Common hergs are frequently used as beasts of burden on numerous worlds. The genetically improved combat herg is even further versatile. Where a common herg would recoil from noise and violence, the combat herg enjoys the sensation of crushing enemies underfoot and is not dismayed by the racket of gunfire unleashed by its rider above. More or less a tall horse, they are capable of charging into combat with great power and speed. They are vulnerable to kinetic weapons but can stomp enemies out of cover and even trample them. 

Croft Pyre Rental
Class: StreetEngine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power
Speed: 55 m/s (52 m/s)
Self Driving: No
Seats: 2
Croft Stellar Dynamics in the Dinda system made this car once upon a time. This smelly unit is a cheap federal automobile with some limited storage capacity. It is on long-term loan and it smells like it's older than Sol and it rides like it's on its last wheels. The credentials are encoded on a 1-pound paperweight.


Diplomat Toolkit
Ammo: Tourist LicenseWeight: 6 lb
Ability: This kit contains the tools necessary for acting as a Diplomat in the field. It allows you to recruit specialized crew, draft contracts with factions and organizations, and translate oral or written languages to common.
[Effective use requires proficiency in Diplomat skills.]


Drone Operation Computer
Required for programming, launching, and controlling drones or self driving vehicles, this handheld device has all of the software required for drone operations. While drone operation control rooms full of displays and relays are the norm, the DOC makes drone missions possible while in the field. When pairing to a vehicle, it must be capable of self driving for remote control to be possible.[The DOC must be paired to one drone and cannot be changed while in combat]
[Only one DOC can be equipped at a time]


Econa Zoomi
Class: StreetEngine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 55 m/s
Self Driving: No
Seats: 4
Econa is one of the leading manufacturers of affordable and reliable city vehicles. The Zoomi is a low budget family car with good handling and safety record. It's greatest feature is the seamless Ferngate Plexi canopy that implies a spacious view. The car includes COVAS among other options.


Engineer Toolkit
Ammo: Raw MaterialsWeight: 6 lb
Ability: This kit provides the tools necessary for acting as an Engineer in the field. It allows you to repair and maintain gear and vehicles, service outposts, collect raw resources, and build and maintain defensive fortifications using Refined Materials when time permits.
[Effective use requires proficiency in Engineer skills.]


Hacker Toolkit
Ammo: Adaptive VirusesWeight: 6 lb
Ability: This kit contains the tools needed to act as a Hacker in the field. It allows you to hard connect to networks and hack control over cameras, doors, and consoles, steal digital resources, and upload pilot credentials to stolen ships and vehicles.
Cores Processors: 5 [d20s]
[Effective use requires proficiency in Hacker skills.]


Mercenary Toolkit
Ammo: NoneWeight: 6 lb
Ability: This kit contains the tools necessary to assist a Mercenary in the field. It provides the means to collect Tactical Intelligence, extract hostages, hunt wild animals, among dozens of creative applications. It can be used to remote detonate Explosive Materials.
[Effective use requires proficiency in Mercenary skills.]


Paesan Buttercup
Class: SegwayEngine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power
Speed: 30 m/s
Self Driving: Yes, Forced
Seats: 0 (1)
Common on space stations but popularized in Cubeo by Forculus Mobsters, this enclosed segway is so small that you could fit it through a doorway. The passenger is forced to stand while the autonomous vehicle drives from one predetermined location to another. They are terrifying to ride.


Paesan Daisey
Class: QuadricycleEngine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 16 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 2
Common on space stations but popularized in Cubeo by Forculus Mobsters, this tiny car is basically twice the width of the Pansie, adding enough room for a center console storage, two cup holders, and a fire extinguisher. Not all elevators will permit them so be sure to inspect weight capacity.


Paesan Pansie
Class: QuadricycleEngine: Electric
Fuel: Lane Power/Battery
Speed: 12 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 1
Common on space stations but popularized in Cubeo by Forculus Mobsters, this tiny car is not to be taken lightly as driving them on streets almost guarantees a traffic collision. It does have its benefits and is cheap. A convertible version is half the weight. Most businesses don't allow them indoors.


Pulvia Pulse Soul
Class: Super [Branch of Mind]Engine: Electric
Fuel: Lane power/Battery
Speed: 134 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 2 (4)
Pulvia design high end cars often purchased by egotistical government officials or shared as bribing gifts. They can reach ludicrous speeds and have a menacing profile. Generally programmed with bright colors, the Pulse is regarded as one of the classiest cars ever created.


Saud Kruger Hammerhead
Class: SuperEngine: Electric
Fuel: Battery
Speed: 128 m/s
Self Driving: Yes
Seats: 2 (3)
Saud Kruger created this high performance super car which can reach excessive speeds. It has an incredible canopy and side windows which give the driver and passenger an open view above and below. It has one of the most aggressive feel of any Saud Kruger, second only to the slimmer profile of the Mako.


Spenny-Isaak Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Spencer Isaak who terrorized the Cubeo System, destroyed the Law of Ladd, and ran CMDRs on a wild goose chase in a hunt for Raxxla. He coined the popular phrase "Song of the Void" but nobody had any idea what he was talking about most of the time. 

Stockbroker Toolkit
Ammo: Low-Yield StocksWeight: 6 lb
Ability: This kit provides the tools necessary for acting as a Stockbroker in the field. It allows you to analyze market trends, influence local markets, manage and trade assets, and perform hostile takeovers of small businesses using High-Yield Stocks when time allows.
[Effective use requires proficiency in Stockbroker skills.]


Trained Mordrake Spider
This six legged insect will often be found in small colonies but can survive on their own, thriving in caverns and rocky regions. They have all-round vision thanks to their 8 eyes on a domed head. 15cm barbed hairs on its thorax can be flicked at enemies while .5 meter spikes on its abdomen protect it from melee attacks. Their sharp legs pierce thin armor and inject enzymes into prey for later consumption. They are similar to a dog sized ant and some members of a colony will sprout wings. A NAP implant is required for primitive instructions by the handler. 

Wise-Sphere Companion
No Weapons | Automatic Control No Damage | 500m Range | 8hr Battery
Universal Cartographics acquired the baseball sized Wise-Sphere design after the original corporation went under. Since then there have been numerous improvements to the Wise-Sphere companion, a floating orb designed as a simple companion to children, colonists, and explorers. The Wise-Sphere can be limited to making simple chirps and beeps but some can include a full vocabulary to go along with their simple personalities. They are not sentient but are intelligent enough to be a convincing friend.


Wisewoof Plushie
This small doll is a collector's edition of a series highlighting the heroes of famous events connected to the Prismatic Imperium. It features the ability to speak pre-recorded lines with a squeeze. This is Otto von Wolfsburg who currently leads the Prismatic Senate as the Chancellor and was involved with the arrest of Jesse Ladd. His wife was trapped in a biowaste container during a dangerous hostage exchange. 

💾 DMS Anil Tangaroa
Grade: 5"Anil is a brilliant businessman. I admire him greatly. Few rival his mastery of macroeconomics. The real power in this system is not in the hands of the corporation, but in his." -Counselor Dallas O'Brien
[Memory Banks are required for storing data packages which can be delivered to a mission provider. You can access the information using NOTE while the bank is equipped.]


💾 Diamond Market Hack - White
Diamond Market Hacks are scripts crafted by talented technophiliacs specifically to manipulate the Diamond Market in various ways. Their hacks are guarded secrets and go by a color code known to only those in their network. This device must be slotted into a terminal or holopad to function. The Diamond Market will not appreciate penetrations into their systems and will retaliate if the hack is traced to its source.[This device cannot be copied to a Crystal Memory Bank. You can access the information using NOTE when you own the device.]


Arena Suit
[+5 Dexterity]Utility Slots: 2
This light armor comes in either green or red and is used for The Pit to distinguish team members. The armor is not very protective but has a smart cloth lining that triggers spring-loaded barbs from a bolt once penetrated, making the matches as lethal as possible. The armor does help protect the wearer from cuts and bruises caused by the arena environment.


Hacking Extender
[Grants a Hacker Ranged Targets]This simple collection of finger rings and a wristband will allow the user to relay hacking targets to any hacking system in the party. It is ideal for targets out of range or for discrete activities at functions such as dinner parties. It will go unnoticed by most individuals despite the dramatic gesture it requires to work. It can be worn in conjunction with any clothing or accessories.
[User must web their fingers out toward the intended target.]


Heavy Frame Exo-Suit
Utility Slots: 4The exo-suit is a wearable mobile machine that is powered by a combination of technologies that allow for limb movement with increased strength and endurance.
The heavy frame version is the heaviest and most powerful of the designs allowing the user carry a considerable amount of weight at the cost of speed and agility. It will help reduce the carry weight of gear attached to the user by a significant amount, perfect for engineers and assemblers.
This model has 4 utility mounts.


Mind Recruit Uniform
[+5 to Charisma Defense]Utility Slots: 2
Official uniform worn by all recruits in the Prismatic Imperium Branch of Mind. As an entity of the government, Mind personnel are expected to maintain their uniforms and abide by the dress code enforced by the Lord Herald. The uniform offers low defense and high style making it ideal for political appeal but a poor choice for combat. Wearing such uniform while not in active service to the Branch of Mind is a high offense.


Mind Visionary Uniform
[+10 to Charisma Defense]Utility Slots: 4
Decorated uniform worn by valued personnel in the Prismatic Imperium Branch of Mind. As an entity of the government, Mind Visionaries are required to maintain their uniforms and abide by the Lord Herald's dress code. The uniform offers low defense and high style. The wearer is highly respected as an influencer, reporter, architect, and manager over Media Centers, having influential power in the social culture and aesthetic of daily life.


Pristine Federal Suit
[+10 Charisma Defense]Utility Slots: 4
This impeccably tailored suit, crafted by Flieger Elegance Ateliers, forms a commanding and imposing profile. While the sleek, triangular suits favored in the Federation are emblematic of power and influence, commonly donned by politicians, corporate magnates, and federal agents, this particular cut surpasses all in terms of quality. Notably, it offers a modicum of protection against lightweight weaponry. It provides modest defensive capabilities and exudes a high sense of style, making it compatible with armor enhancements.


Assault Beamer
Heavy Thermal WeaponAttack: [Focus] [Sweep]
Weight: 64 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]
This beam laser is effective for cutting through armor and obstacles quickly. It is heavy and prone to overheating during extended use but it inflicts a consistently powerful beam laser on the target.


Exquisite Food Ration
A large nonperishable and delicious food package containing the highest quality of essential nourishment with a slice of sauce-coated and succulent meat with garnish, fresh fruit and vegetable sides, warm bread and cheese, and a sweet dessert. This meal will sustain one individual for a day in the field.[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]


Imperial Laser Pistol
Light Thermal WeaponAttacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]
Every Imperial should consider the sleek design of this white-coated pistol with its beautiful blue Heads-Up Display and the thermal capacity indicator.


Multi Directional Burst Shield
Medium Thermal DefenseDefense: 200
Recharge: No Delay
This standardized burst shield is effective in combat. It is worn on the arm and will deploy a body sized shield the curves around the peripherals, defending the user from medium attacks. Using disposable cell banks to activate at will, it can be recharged quickly using a Shield Cell Bank or increased in power by any form of shield booster. It is lighter than a kinetic shield but vulnerable to EMP attacks.


TK Eclipse
Light Thermal WeaponAttacks: [Burst] [Sweep]
Weight: 4 lbs
[See NOTE for abilities]
Added to the Diamond Market through Pioneer Supplies, this automatic laser carbine from Takada has a high fire rate and good short-range accuracy. It is a popular laser counterpart to the SMG and is effective when shredding shields from opponents.


Thermal Sword
Melee Thermal WeaponAttacks: [Precision] [Slash]
Weight: 6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]
Infused with a laser edge, thermal swords can cut through most armor. The blade can withstand contact with other laser edges but continuous hits will overheat the core. Use heat sinks to keep the core from experiencing a meltdown.


⊘ Painstopper
This liquid blocks pain signals to the brain and boosts adrenaline, allowing users to fight or flee without feeling pain or shock from wounds. However, it's risky, as pushing the body too far can lead to critical injuries or death. It is illegal in the Cubeo System.[Immunizes user to pain for 2 turns.]
[Does not heal user or prevent further injury.]
[Disposable items are consumed after a single use.]

mission items

Assault Point
This digital seal represents the production power and experience of a given industry. It can be traded or expended in a Contract.The Diamond Market does not recognize it as an item of any value or significance.
[It is not a physical item]


Building Structure Schematics
Obtained blueprints for a construction project that belongs to a private contracting company who would do everything to ensure the confidentiality of their clients remain secure. Keeping this in your inventory could attract visitation from lawyers and assassins if it was stolen.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Clerical Instruments
Common salvage material collected from offices or salvaged shipments, Clerical Instruments are computers, office software, and stationery.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Confiscated Items
An assortment of personal property that have been obtained by corporations or security enforcers via confiscation. These items range from consumer technology to clothing. Confiscated items can be resold with no questions asked, if you have the appropriate buyers.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Confiscated Weapons
An assortment of personal weapons that have been obtained by corporations or security enforcers via confiscation. These weapons range from knives to rifles. Confiscated weapons can be resold with no questions asked, if you have the appropriate buyers.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Construction Fasteners
Common salvage material collected from construction sites or salvaged shipments, Construction Fasteners like screws and bolts are used to bind building materials together.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Corporate Communications Database
Illegally obtained transcripts of communications between a corporation and all of its clients as well as personal information. This is a highly sensitive item which will have serious consequences if found in your possession. Corporate assassins have been known to track down data like this through the Diamond Market and will certainly go to extreme lengths to destroy it, and you.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Engineering Point
This digital seal represents the production power and experience of a given industry. It can be traded or expended in a Contract.The Diamond Market does not recognize it as an item of any value or significance.
[It is not a physical item]


Created by Life's Rift, this artificial womb is designed to develop zygote or embryo into adults using a genetic template. The owner can use the chamber to either clone their pets as a perfect replica or introduce genetic mutations which can improve your pets in various ways.[Owning this item opens possibilities based on your contributions to the narrative. Possible outcome is duplicates of owned pets.]


FSD Jump Permit
A small encrypted data bank that authorizes legal usage of the frame shift drive by a registered pilot to a predetermined location. While CMDRs are immune to such monetized regulations, greedy corporations attempting to profit from interstellar travel have made it easier for system security to keep track of vessels which comes in handy when a stranded pilot is in need of assistance.The FSD Jump Permit is a required item for non CMDR interstellar expeditions.


Finance Point
This digital seal represents the production power and experience of a given industry. It can be traded or expended in a Contract.The Diamond Market does not recognize it as an item of any value or significance.
[It is not a physical item]


House Ryan Token

Industrial Polymer Fabric
Industrial grade synthetic fabric created from complex monomers that when combined create a durable material. This fabric is often used as smart clothing liners and flight suits for its ability to transmit power to lights and gadgets in apparel without the need of delicate wiring. It has a wide range of applications such as hazard suits, radiation shielding, and shock absorption. The material is resistant to electrical shock and extreme weather.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Market Data
Information on a targeted market history for a specific market. This data is used by corporations to determine profitable investments and strategies sale goals for products and service.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Media Point
This digital seal represents the production power and experience of a given industry. It can be traded or expended in a Contract.The Diamond Market does not recognize it as an item of any value or significance.
[It is not a physical item]


Medical Instruments
Common salvage material collected from laboratories or salvaged shipments, Medical Instruments range from surgical tools to imagery devices.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Miniaturized Battery Cells
Small power cells that are used to charge the capacitors of handheld weapons and mining tools. They are most often utilized in laser instruments and could be used for maintaining them. These are not new which means they were probably pulled from discontinued tools or confiscated laser rifles.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Modified Security Firmware
Adaptive read only software for security systems that have been modified from the intended parameters set by the designer. This allows the user to customize their terminals for a wide range of operations, both taboo and outright illegal. It is commonly used for criminal activity such as bypassing security systems or making a terminal anonymous but there are plenty of exceptions.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Refinery Bin Materials
An assortment of processed material collected from an autonomous mining rig. They are contained within refinery bins, each having contents that fall below the standard unit size.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Ship Log Data
Digital archive of vessels that were detected by sensors from a navigation beacon, planetary settlement, or space station. Information contained includes vessel makes, names, and pilots as well as their flight patterns. It can come in handy for bounty hunters, security organizations, or corporations with nefarious intentions. The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Standard Polymer Fabric
High grade synthetic fabric created from layered polymer weaves. This fabric is often used as smart clothing liners for its ability to transmit power to lights and gadgets in apparel without the need of delicate wiring. It has a wide range of applications such as heated bedding, 3D printing, and electronically charged glass repair. The material is puncture proof making it ideal for protection against knives.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Tactical Intelligence
Crystal Memory Bank storing information required by military field commanders and officers so they can plan for and, if necessary, conduct combat operations. This data can include enemy force compositions and movements, environmental data, weather analysis, strategic assets, or anything else vital to the coordinated efforts of a military entity.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Vapor Samples
An assortment of vaporized particles collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


Volatile Samples
Gaseous samples collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Adaptive Virus
⛭ Production: InputThis complex program is polymorphic and dynamically guided by skilled hackers to infiltrate networks and manipulate data, allowing the theft of output resources.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Assembled Product
⛭ Production: OutputThese manufactured products are ready for the consumer market via distributors. They are crafted by Assemblers in Factories who build them from Production Components.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Assembler
⛭ Production: CrewAssemblers are individuals who exist to begrudgingly assemble components to a product in a manufacturing line for long periods of time. They can serve in a factory to assemble Production Components into Assembled Products.


⛭ Diplomat
⛭ Production: CrewA diplomat is a individual appointed by a client, organization, or minor faction to conduct diplomacy with one or more inter-system organizations. These "Diplomats" can serve in Tourist Centers, using Tourist Licenses to convince high profile tourism agencies into selling their Vacation Packages.


⛭ Engineer
⛭ Production: CrewEngineers are individuals who use scientific principles to problem solve, maintain, and facilitate the processes required to run a refinery on behalf of their employer. They can serve in Refineries, turning Raw Materials into Refined Materials.


⛭ Hacker
⛭ Production: CrewHackers are individuals who use their skills with networks and terminals to access remote networks, or to keep others out. They can steal or modify unauthorized information on behalf of a client, or protect a client's systems from adversaries. They can serve in Data Centers using Adaptive Viruses.


⛭ High-Yield Stock
⛭ Production: OutputThese market shares are in large and profitable corporations from around the galaxy. They are acquired by Stockbrokers in Commerce Centers who trade up to them from Low-Yield Stock.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you at ten percent above the current galactic average.


⛭ Mercenary
⛭ Production: CrewMercenaries are professional soldiers who serve the private interests of a client such as a corporation or an individual. They can be very helpful for specific assignments when deployed at your discretion.


⛭ Production Component
⛭ Production: InputThese specialized pieces are manufactured for a variety of products based on blueprints. Assemblers can combine them in Factories to complete Assembled Products.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Raw Material
⛭ Production: InputA wide variety of material in its natural and unrefined form are essential for all levels of production. Engineers can process them into Refined Materials using Refineries.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Refined Material
⛭ Production: OutputThese varied materials are refined and ready for consumption by production facilities. They are processed by Engineers in Refineries who refine them from Raw Materials.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you at ten percent above the current galactic average.


⛭ Research Data
⛭ Production: OutputThese data packages are the scientific output of a financed study by qualified experts. They are generated by Scientists in Laboratories who experimented on Research Samples.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Research Sample
⛭ Production: InputA diverse assortment of biomatter, minerals, specimens and artifacts prepared for scientific study. Scientists can experiment with them in Laboratories to generate Research Data.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Scientist
⛭ Production: CrewScientists are individuals who conduct scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest on behalf of a client or institution. They can serve in Laboratories, studying Scientific Samples to produce Scientific Data.


⛭ Stockbroker
⛭ Production: CrewStockbrokers are professional traders who buy and sell shares on behalf of high profile clients. They can serve in Commerce Centers, managing investments on your behalf by selling Low-Yield Stock for profitable High-Yield Stock.


⛭ Tourist License
⛭ Production: InputThese comprehensive documents are the foundation of the tourism industry. Diplomats can use them in Tourist Centers to acquire more profitable Vacation Packages.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.


⛭ Vacation Package
⛭ Production: OutputThese bundled packets of travel vouchers and luxury perks are ready for tourist consumption. They are acquired by Diplomats in Commerce Centers who negotiate using Tourist Licenses.
The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
