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CMDR Andariel
13,483   27,045


Sapphire Count

Roleplay Gear

Gear is currently unlocked

Callaghan Auto Pistol
Light Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Focus] [Burst]
Weight: 2.2 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This standard Callaghan sidearm is a must-have for personal defense for anyone when outside of the security of installations. It is a reliable weapon that uses common types of ammunition making it simple to use and maintain.
x 100 (100%)
Forculus HoloCard
For the odd individual with an appreciation of the simple things, or perhaps a sense of humor, the HoloCard will surprise your friends with 3D projected confetti, music, and a video recording from you! The card itself is only a few centimeters wide and celebrates the otherwise uninteresting Forculus system with an animated image of its only habitable city, Irrational Exuberance.
x 5 (100%)
Forculus Chronometry Wrist Clock
Fabricated by the Forculus Brothers on Irrational Exuberance in the Forculus System, this highly luxurious time piece is designed specifically for classy individuals from the Federation of Independent Pilots. They are intentionally rare to protect their value while knockoff versions are more common. Some designs are susceptible to gravitational fluctuation but this model only simulates traditional function with clockwork. The display itself is holographic. Supporters of the product may get a significant boon to relations with its maker.
x 2,000 (100%)
Tactical Armor
[Mediumweight Armor]
Utility Slots: 5
Ability: This armor can provide resistance to thermal, kinetic, and explosive attacks.

This high-quality combat armor was popular among Isaak's Elite Squad. It provides high defense and medium style. The wearer is agile and quiet while carrying conveniently accessible slots for ammunition, grenades, and clips for weapons. It features 5 utility slots for defense improvements and is popular among independent mercenaries.
x 13,600 (80%)
Spy Drone
No Weapons | Manual Control
100m Range | 2hr Battery

This small device is packed with sensors and is undetectable by turrets, cameras, or other drones. It is quiet and avoids detection from enemies while scouting. It can fit in ventilation systems and through small passageways into restricted areas beyond locked doors. It can tag hostilities.

[⁜ Drone Operation Controller or relevant Neurological Augmentation required]
x 10,000 (100%)
Sniper Rifle
Heavy Kinetic Weapon
Attacks: [Precise]
Weight: 32 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

This weapon was built for long-range and features a standard high-powered scope. Electronically fired rounds provide precise discharge with minimal recoil. This rifle is not recommended for close combat.
x 8,000 (100%)
Utility Vambrace
[Additional Utility Slots]
Utility Slots: 2

This bulky device is a defensive brace for the forearm designed for the sole purpose of providing the user with customizable utility mounts beyond what was available on the core armor. Since it draws from the same source of power, the user's all-purpose battery, the number of registered utility ports remains a maximum of six. As an added benefit, the vambrace provides protection to the arms of the user.

x 7,000 (100%)
Melee Kinetic Weapon
[+5 Dexterity Defense]
Attacks: [Precise] [Slash]
Weight: 1.6 lb
[See NOTE for abilities]

Every pilot should consider keeping a knife on hand as a last resort. This weapon can cut through flight suits and some armor with ease. The Diamond Market provides one as a gift to all CMDRs with an account.
x 50 (100%)
Voice Enhancer
[+5 Wisdom Defense] [Voice Distortion]

This compact face-worn device modifies and distorts vocal projection for disguises and specific scenarios. It's essential for missions requiring anonymity.

💀 [Unsuitable for hazardous environments]
x 1,600 (200%)
Amica Compsognathus
It is hard to come across a terraformed Earth-Like World without meeting packs of tiny, genetically engineered compys running through the grasses along rivers, lakes, or even city parks. Since they are carnivorous hunters and scavengers, they are excellent for pest control and clean up. They are incredibly social creatures and docile to humans or other dominant beings, including machines. When tamed, they make for long-living and loyal pets. They can be found in vibrant, warm colors and weigh 1.4 Kg on average, making them very small yet intelligent lizards.
x 500 (100%)
Stealth Boots
[Improves Stealth]

Classified as an armor modifier, this equipment muffles sound caused by movement over a variety of terrain thanks to the work of computer-regulated gel pads. While making the user silent it gives no armor benefits.
x 5,000 (100%)
Personal Gadget

Installed in a utility slot, this small device can represent anything commercial from simple audio speakers to full media suites, simple clocks to full personal computers. While useful for their intended functions, these generic personal gadgets do not perform any actions that would aid directly in the abilities of the user. They integrate flawlessly into smart clothing or armors and are durable and reliable.
x 10 (100%)



mission items
Carbon Samples
Nonmetallic chemical element including graphite and diamond collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 300 (100%)
Confiscated Items
An assortment of personal property that have been obtained by corporations or security enforcers via confiscation. These items range from consumer technology to clothing. Confiscated items can be resold with no questions asked, if you have the appropriate buyers.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 3,500 (100%)
Industrial Polymer Fabric
Industrial grade synthetic fabric created from complex monomers that when combined create a durable material. This fabric is often used as smart clothing liners and flight suits for its ability to transmit power to lights and gadgets in apparel without the need of delicate wiring. It has a wide range of applications such as hazard suits, radiation shielding, and shock absorption. The material is resistant to electrical shock and extreme weather.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 5,300 (100%)
Metallic Samples
Metallic ores collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 600 (100%)
Mineral Samples
A physical collection of mineral fragments gathered by a surface expedition team when visiting a planetary body. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further study at a laboratory or sell to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 7,400 (100%)
Miniaturized Battery Cells
Small power cells that are used to charge the capacitors of handheld weapons and mining tools. They are most often utilized in laser instruments and could be used for maintaining them. These are not new which means they were probably pulled from discontinued tools or confiscated laser rifles.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,000 (100%)
Precipitate Samples
Fluids collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 500 (100%)
Ship Log Data
Digital archive of vessels that were detected by sensors from a navigation beacon, planetary settlement, or space station. Information contained includes vessel makes, names, and pilots as well as their flight patterns. It can come in handy for bounty hunters, security organizations, or corporations with nefarious intentions.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 2,500 (100%)
Standard Polymer Fabric
High grade synthetic fabric created from layered polymer weaves. This fabric is often used as smart clothing liners for its ability to transmit power to lights and gadgets in apparel without the need of delicate wiring. It has a wide range of applications such as heated bedding, 3D printing, and electronically charged glass repair. The material is puncture proof making it ideal for protection against knives.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 560 (100%)
Tactical Intelligence
Crystal Memory Bank storing information required by military field commanders and officers so they can plan for and, if necessary, conduct combat operations. This data can include enemy force compositions and movements, environmental data, weather analysis, strategic assets, or anything else vital to the coordinated efforts of a military entity.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 1,000 (100%)
Toxic Chemical Samples
Toxic chemical materials collected by a prospector drone for the purpose of determining economical value for future mining operations. The samples are uncontaminated and ready for further analysis at a refinery or to be sold to the galactic community.

The Diamond Market can purchase it from you based on the current galactic average.
x 900 (100%)
⛭ Scientist
⛭ Production: Crew

Scientists are individuals who conduct scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest on behalf of a client or institution. They can serve in Laboratories, studying Scientific Samples to produce Scientific Data.
x 5,000 (100%)


Bio not found for this CMDR.

Supported Macros:
{{age: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows only age in years, works with only a year too
{{agewithdate: YYYY-MM-DD}} - use in-game year, shows age plus birthday
{{discord: url}} - creates a discord (message) link for app and browser
{{wiki: title}} - creates a link to a wiki page with the given title

The bio also supports Markdown, similar to Discord.
What might be of interest, among others:
*italic text*
**bold text**
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#### Very Small Header
[Website Link Title](URL)